Back Pain Relief with Chiropractic in Calgary

Back Pain Relief with Chiropractic in Calgary

Back Pain Relief with Chiropractic

Back pain, particularly lower back pain, is one of the most common issues that people deal with in Calgary. The most well known condition that chiropractors treat is back pain as many people know them as the “back pain doctors”. Elevate Life treats much more than just back pain but we definitely see a lot of back pain patients. Our Calgary chiropractic clinic provides patients with advanced chiropractic techniques that includes a specific care plan for each patient.

Some Facts About Back Pain

  • Estimates say there are 31 million Canadians suffering from varying levels of back pain

The following are some other interesting facts that showcase how serious the problem is:

  • In 2010 a report titled Global Burden of Disease dubbed lower back pain as the number one cause of disability around the world
  • Aside from infections in the upper respiratory tract, back pain is the next biggest reason for a doctor’s visit and also one of the most common reasons that people miss a day of work
  • Half of all the employed Canadians describe feeling back pain each year
  • Issues that are not related to a underlying condition are the biggest reason for back pain
  • Experts claim that as many as 80% of people will have back pain throughout their life

Why Do I Have Back Pain in Calgary?

The exact cause of each individual's back pain can be very different. Due to the number of muscles, tendons, bones and ligaments in the area, the back is a common area for an injury to occur. Weight, posture, sports, stress, lifting, car accidents, and injuries are all possible reasons for back pain. There are also conditions that can lead to back pain such as arthritis and osteoporosis. Some diseases that are influential to back pain can stem from a disease that starts in the internal organs.  

Chiropractic at Elevate Life to the Rescue

Chiropractic is an effective and safe way to help treat a variety of back pain. There will be less pain and more mobility with chiropractic care. Patients are also often able to stop taking prescription medications, therefore eliminating the side effects those drugs have. Chiropractors focus on finding the cause of the pain rather than prescribing a drug that will mask the symptoms. This approach aims to actually cure the problem as opposed to providing short term relief.

Chiropractors know that changes in your lifestyle will also help in your back pain prevention efforts. Some of these include keeping your weight in a good range, staying away from sitting down too much, staying active, drinking lots of water, stretching regularly, wearing flat shoes, and having proper posture. Back pain should be a long lost memory if you follow these steps and regularly see a chiropractor.

At Elevate Life we are prepared to help all your chiropractic needs in Calgary.  Please feel free to call with any questions.


10:00am - 12:15pm
2:30pm - 5:45pm


10:00am - 12:15pm
2:30pm - 5:45pm

10:00am - 12:15pm
2:30pm - 6:45pm

By Appointment

By Appointment


We are open the following dates from 10:00am - 11:45am:
Friday, July 26th
Friday, August 16th

We are open the following dates from 10:00am - 12:00pm:
Saturday, July 20th
Saturday, August 17th
Saturday, August 24th

We are CLOSED the following dates:
Monday, August 5th - Sunday, August 11th

Elevate Life
1804 1 Street NW
Calgary, AB T2M 2T2
(403) 280-0945